
Redwood National and State Parks

Located in Del Norte and Humboldt counties, the four parks protect the endangered coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)—the tallest, among the oldest, and one of ...

Redwood National Park | Hiking, Wildlife, Old

It covers an area of 172 square miles (445 square km)—of which more than one-third is old-growth forest—and includes land held in three state parks: Jedediah ...

Redwood National and State Parks

Established in 1968, Redwood National Park is located in northernmost coastal California, and is home to old-growth coast redwoods. These magnificent trees can ...

Redwood National and State Parks (U.S. National Park Service)

Renowned for the world's tallest trees, Redwood's landscapes span from open prairies and oak woodlands to pristine rivers and untamed coastline. This ancient ... Redwood Calendar of Events · Redwood Parks Conservancy · Things To Do · M

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Tall coast redwoods, peaceful meadows, dramatic coastline, and inspiring wildlife meet you at almost every turn. Here we share some of our favorite places.

Redwood National Park

評分 5.0 (1,173) This massive natural reservation, located on the scenic coastline of Northern California, consists of nearly 140,000 acres of stunning redwood rainforest.

Travel Info for the Redwood Forests of California, Eureka and ...

Fishing, kayaking, biking, rafting, backpacking, birding and more are all pursued avidly on the Redwood Coast. Within this splendid natural setting, visitors ... Redwood National Park · Drive Through a Redwood · Best Redwood Hikes · Ev

Redwood National Park

Home of the world's tallest trees, this World Heritage Site and International Biosphere Reserve protects nearly half of the world's old growth redwoods, ...


LocatedinDelNorteandHumboldtcounties,thefourparksprotecttheendangeredcoastredwood(Sequoiasempervirens)—thetallest,amongtheoldest,andoneof ...,Itcoversanareaof172squaremiles(445squarekm)—ofwhichmorethanone-thirdisold-growthforest—andincludeslandheldinthreestateparks:Jedediah ...,Establishedin1968,RedwoodNationalParkislocatedinnorthernmostcoastalCalifornia,andishometoold-growthcoastredwoods.Thes...